Prepare Boiler for Winter

Prepare Boiler for Winter - Living Waters Plumbing & Mechanical

As the chilly winds of winter approach, it’s essential to ensure that your boiler is in top-notch condition to keep your home or business warm and comfortable throughout the season. Living Waters Plumbing & Mechanical, a trusted plumbing, heating, and mechanical company serving both residential and commercial locations in Anchorage, Alaska, is here to help you with expert tips to prepare your boiler for winter. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or require the assistance of a professional, this guide has got you covered.

Check for Leaks and Cracks

Once you’ve scheduled an inspection, it’s time to perform a visual check of your boiler to identify any signs of leaks or cracks. Even minor leaks can lead to significant problems and compromise the system’s efficiency. In the event that you notice any issues, it’s best to contact a professional from Living Waters Plumbing & Mechanical promptly. They can fix the problem for you, ensuring that your boiler remains in optimal condition.

Test the Thermostat

Next on your winter preparation checklist is testing your boiler’s thermostat. This simple step allows you to ensure that the thermostat is functioning accurately. Set the temperature slightly higher than the current room temperature and check if the boiler starts up promptly. If, by any chance, you encounter any issues, consider calling a professional to calibrate or replace the thermostat for you.

Insulate Exposed Pipes

Living in Alaska means experiencing freezing winter temperatures, which can wreak havoc on exposed pipes. To prevent potential damage and ensure uninterrupted heating, insulate your boiler’s exposed pipes. This DIY project can be easily done using foam pipe insulation. However, if you prefer professional insulation, our team at Living Waters Plumbing & Mechanical can assist you effectively.

Check and Clean the Ventilation System

A well-maintained ventilation system is essential for proper boiler operation. Therefore, it’s vital to check the vents and chimney for any obstructions or debris, such as leaves or animal nests. Clear out any blockages you may find to ensure efficient and safe exhaust of combustion gases, ensuring your boiler’s optimal performance.

Replace Air Filters

Improving your boiler’s efficiency and indoor air quality is as simple as cleaning and replacing air filters regularly. Clogged filters can strain the system and lead to reduced performance. If you’re looking for a DIY approach, consult your boiler’s manual for the appropriate filter replacement. Alternatively, contact a professional from Living Waters Plumbing & Mechanical to handle the task for you seamlessly.

Bleed Radiators

For those with a hot-water radiator system, don’t forget to bleed the radiators to remove trapped air. This straightforward step enables the radiators to heat up fully, ensuring even distribution of warmth throughout your home or business. If you’re unsure how to bleed the radiators, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts for assistance.


Properly preparing your boiler for winter is crucial to ensure a warm and cozy environment during the cold months. Contact Living Waters Plumbing & Mechanical today. We are committed to helping you with all your boiler maintenance needs in Anchorage, Alaska. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or require professional assistance, Living Waters is here to help. Stay warm and comfortable by taking the necessary steps to care for your boiler.